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Storybook integration for next-intl

Storybook is a tool for developing UI components in isolation and can be used in combination with next-intl to handle components that rely on internationalization.

Manual setup

To set up Storybook for next-intl, you can configure a global decorator that renders NextIntlClientProvider to wrap your stories accordingly:

import {Preview} from '@storybook/react';
import defaultMessages from '../messages/en.json';
const preview: Preview = {
  decorators: [
    (Story) => (
        // ... potentially other config
        <Story />
export default preview;

With this setup in place, you’re able to render components that use hook-based APIs like useTranslations.

Note that support for async Server Components is currently experimental in Storybook and might require additional configuration.


Tip: If you declare components that render as Server Components in your app via non-async components, these components can render as Client Components in Storybook and will consume configuration from NextIntlClientProvider.


Alternatively to setting up the global decorator yourself, you can use storybook-next-intl, a community-maintained addon that configures Storybook accordingly for you.


  • Sets up NextIntlClientProvider globally for you
  • Provides a locale switcher so you can test components with different locales
Storybook integration for next-intl





